Sealcoat Adds Protection To Your Asphalt

All asphalt surfaces must be sealcoated regularly at least once every 3 years, and highly trafficked locations every two years. For the best possible results, it is necessary to use a sealer that offers the very best protection from the elements.

You can purchase commercial grade asphalt sealcoat in a variety of sizes from a 5 gallon pail up to a 275 gallon tote. We provide direct shipping within the United States and Canada, as well as a pick-up program at our USA plants.

Browse your sealer supply options now.

What are the positives of asphalt sealcoating?

  • Surface is a deep black matte and uniform in color, increasing the esthetic look of not only the asphalt but the entire property and buildings adjoining it.
  • The sun's UV rays rapidly destroy asphalt by oxidizing the surface, but sealing provides the UV protection you need against damage and fading.
  • Additionally, sealant protects against other damage by repelling water, ice, and fuel leaks, preventing them from causing cracks, or even potholes, in the asphalt.

Repair the asphalt before you apply asphalt sealcoat

Before applying asphalt sealcoat, you will need to make sure that hairline cracks and fissures are properly filled. For cracks that are less than ½ inch in diameter, we recommend our cold liquid pour asphalt crack fill that delivers incredible durability and performance. Cracks that are larger than ½ inch should be filled with hot rubberized crack filler. Our crack filler can be heated in a kettle or hot crack fill applicator melter and dries thoroughly in three to four hours. Both our cold liquid pour asphalt crack fill and our hot rubberized crack filler are specifically designed to keep out water and ice for up to three to four years.

Want to learn more about how to seal asphalt surfaces?

We suggest that you take our free online asphalt sealcoat and maintenance course. It's ideal for both commercial and residential property owners who need information on how to properly care for their driveway, parking lot, walkway, or play court.

The four-part course thoroughly explains exactly what to do and how to do it, and even shows you how you can start your own asphalt sealcoat business to generate incredible part-time or full-time earnings.

We invite you to give us a call to learn more about our products and services. Read what some of our customers have to say about us, and we sincerely hope you'll become a satisfied customer as well.

Asphalt Emulsion Sealer Benefits

Asphalt emulsion sealer has benefits that just can not be beat by other products. The result? An extremely consistent product that's formulated to get the job done right. 

Best Resistance To Oil And Gasoline

oil stainsGasoline and oil eat away at asphalt, and that damage leads to water seepage causing cracks. Driveway sealing is an essential part of locking out those chemicals, and asphalt emulsion is the least penetrable of all sealer types. When it comes to protection from leaking vehicles, nothing is better than this type of sealer.


Least Susceptible To Temperature And Humidity

As far too many contractors have found out the hard way, other types of sealant are not as forgiving of cooler temperatures or higher humidity. Speaking of weather, asphalt emulsion sealer is much more fade-resistant. That means your parking lots and driveways stay blacker, longer, adding to their curb appeal.

Note: Before you bid on any contract, be sure to look for the specification of sealer type. Many contracts specify that only coal tar can be used.

Why Do We Use Asphalt In The First Place?

Once upon a time, we built roads by laying down rocks and gravel. Although this worked, heavy vehicles and rain made a mess of things. The solution? Create a solid - but flexible - layer on top of that rocky road that would hold things together.

The best answer for this is asphalt, which is why you see roads made of blacktop, and not cement. Cement is just not flexible enough and cracks. It also doesn’t stand up to drastic temperature changes – the kind more than half the population of the country sees every year.



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