Line Striping Course: Introduction to Line Striping

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How to Price a Linestriping Job Profitably

  • What tools & equipment you should start with
  • How to determine difficulty level of the job
  • How to estimate prep work
  • The best traffic paint to use

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Here are a few suggestions that new Line Stripers like yourself have purchased. Create your own package by choosing your PowrLiner and adding any 5-gallon pails for 5% off the paint!

Beginner Line Striping Business

Line striping

Perfect for the novice line striper to get their toes wet. Choose between the PowrLiner 850 and PowrLiner 2855; both provide removable paint guns for painting stencils but the PowrLiner 2855 can paint up to 40 more stalls per paint job over the PowrLiner 850.

Complete this package with your color choice of water-based paint and a durable handicap stencil. Our Starter Stencil Kit has the stencils required for standard parking lots including handicap, arrows, and more.


Intermediate Line Striping Business

Best for line stripers who want to do small and medium-sized lots. Choose between the PowrLiner 2855, the PowrLiner 3500 and the PowrLiner 4955 for your mid-size line striping machine. The PowrLiner 2855 has 1 paint gun, but can be upgraded to 2 guns for 2-person stenciling capability or for doing double lines. The PowrLiner 3500 has 1 paint gun, is more lightweight than the 2855, and has a new swing-back design to reduce operator fatigue. The PowrLiner 4955 has 2 guns and carries more paint in its 12-gallon hopper. Pick out your paint colors, and then choose our intermediate stencils package (including handicap, numbers and "No Parking" signage, Fire Lane and more).


Pro Line Striping Business

Pro Line Striping BusinessIdeal for line stripers who want to do large parking lots, airports, and professional sports fields. Get the maximum power and efficiency of the PowrLiner 6955 or 8955 to complete the largest line striping jobs! Pair that with our water-based paint and pro stencils package (including handicap, numbers, "No Parking", "Fire Lane" and "Reserved" stencils) and you'll be able to tackle any line striping job.


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