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The Only Asphalt Maintenance Resource New Contractors Will Ever Need


Planning to become an asphalt maintenance contractor this year? We've got you covered!

Welcome to the exciting world of asphalt maintenance. When you decide to become an asphalt maintenance contractor, you'll be joining a competitive yet dynamic industry. 

But what makes asphalt maintenance a great industry to be in is the fact that it is lucrative and fulfilling when done right. It also has a low barrier to entry, making it a great choice for people who are looking for ways to make money without going back to school or taking time off to undergo intensive training. 

Just like any other business venture, you can't rush into sealcoating and crack filling recklessly. You need to have the right resources and make sure that you follow the instructions meticulously to make your first sealcoating and crack filling jobs a success.

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of asphalt maintenance business resources out there. Or at least, not something as comprehensive as Asphalt Kingdom's Asphalt Business Playbook for new contractors.

Everything you need to start your business on the right foot is right here.

Starting a new business venture is never easy. You're going to face challenges like never before, so you must have complete information right in your hands. Check out the things you're going to learn in this comprehensive resource for up-and-coming contractors.


  • A comprehensive guide to starting your own sealcoating and crack filling business
    Access our exhaustive Start Your Own Business Course and Build Your Own Business Blueprint to jumpstart your new property maintenance venture. 
    Need a quick guide to everything you learned in these courses? You're in luck because we created an Asphalt Business Opportunity Cheatsheet. Refer to this quick guide at any time whenever you want to review things or just refresh your knowledge.
    Sealcoating and crack filling are not the only services you can offer to customers. Your asphalt maintenance business will be more lucrative if you Add Line Striping to Your Business. This resource is also included in the Asphalt Business Playbook.
    Last but not least, you'll also have access to a very important contractor resource: the 5 Mistakes Successful Contractors Avoid. Sign up now to get access to all the resources mentioned above.

  • Don't get caught off-guard, so have a plan in place before you start
    Mastering sealcoating and crack filling are essential to starting your business on the right path. But it's just one-half of the equation. You also need to conduct market research to determine the feasibility of your plan and whether you have a viable market in the area you are planning to operate.
    In the Asphalt Business Playbook, you'll also learn how to conduct basic market research.

  • Tips on creating a business plan
    A business plan for your asphalt maintenance company is essential to its success. Access the Asphalt Business Playbook and learn how you can craft a business plan that will serve not only as your roadmap to success, but also help you get the funding you need.

  • Learn how to acquire funding to start your asphalt maintenance business
    Don't want to dip into your savings or don't have enough capital to start your sealcoating and crack filling business? Then this handy Asphalt Kingdom resource was written especially for you.
    Learn how to get assistance from the government to apply for a small business loan. We'll also give you tips to acquire private funding for asphalt maintenance equipment, including a sealcoat sprayer, crack filling machine, and line striping machine.

  • Plus other helpful tips that will catapult your business to success!
    Learn how the location of your sealcoating business and the right business name is crucial to your success.
    We'll also help you choose the right business structure and how you can register your business name. Plus, you'll learn how to comply with all requirements laid out by the government.
    Last but not least, we're going to discuss the insurance and the bank accounts you need to acquire before starting your business.

Don't hesitate! Download the FREE Asphalt Business Playbook now to learn everything you need to jumpstart your asphalt maintenance business!

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